First Russian Translation Released of Lester Salamon’s Book on Philanthropy’s Big Bang
On September 21, the first Russian translation was released of the book Leverage for Good: An Introduction to the New Frontiers of Philanthropy and Social Investment by HSE professor and the head of the Laboratory for Non-profit Sector Studies, Lester Salamon.
Yulia Skokova Took Part in Summer School on Research Methods of Civil Engagement
The event was organized by the School of Sociology and the Research Centre for East European Studies associated with the University of Bremen.
Yulia Skokova Completes Internship at University of Bremen
The internship was organized in the framework of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grant programme.
Aleksandr Zverev Took Part in Conference ‘UNESCO World Heritage and The Role of Civil Society’
Aleksandr Zverev, Research Assistant at the Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies took part in the International Conference ‘UNESCO World Heritage and The Role of Civil Society’, which was held in Bonn, Germany.