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  • Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector
  • Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies at the Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector

CONference program

Government – Nonprofit Relations and nonprofit sustainability: Russia in comparative context

9-11 Myasnitskaya str., Room 518

11-12 November, 2015





Welcome And Introduction

Welcome Remarks

Ella Pamfilova,Human Rights Ombudsman

HSE and Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector

Lev Jakobson,First Vice Rector, HSE; Co-Director of the International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, and Research Supervisor, HSE Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector

International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies and the Structure of the Conference

Lester Salamon, Scientific Director, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE; Director, Center for Civil Society Studies, Johns Hopkins University


The Conceptual Context: The Role of NPOs in Welfare Restructuring

Moderator: Lev Jakobson (HSE)

     The New Governance and the “Nonprofitization” of the Welfare State

Lester Salamon, Scientific Director, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE; Director, Center for Civil Society Studies, Johns Hopkins University (USA)

Models of Welfare State Evolution in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Implications for the Nonprofit Sector  

Linda Cook, Professor of Political Science, Brown University (USA)

Welfare Restructuring: What does Public Opinion Reveal  

Irina Mersianova, Director, Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector; Chair of the Sub-Department for NGO Economics and Management, Social Sciences Department, HSE


Coffee Break


The Conceptual Context: The Role of NPOs in Welfare Restructuring (Continued)

Moderator: Iosif Diskin (Professor, HSE; Chair of the Commission on  Harmonization of Interethnic and Inter-Confessional Relations, the Russian Federation Public Chamber; Member of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights) 

Developing Competition and the Effectiveness of Budget Expenditure

Vladimir Nazarov, Director, Financial Research Institute, RF Finance Ministry

Perspectives of Welfare Restructuring in Russia

Artyom Shadrin, Director, the Department for Social Development and Innovations, RF Ministry of Economic Development

Developing Competition in Social Care

Liliya Ovcharova, Director for Social Science Research, HSE; Director of the Center for Income and Living Standards Analysis, Institute for Social Processes Management


The Sphere of Government Funding: The View from Abroad

Moderator: Lester Salamon (HSE; Johns Hopkins University) 

Italy: New Wine in Old Bottles – The Struggle to Escape Clientelism in Government-Nonprofit Relations

Constanco Ranci, Polytechnic of Milan (Italy)

Nonprofitization as a Way to Strengthen the Welfare State: The Case of France

Edith Archambault, Universite Sorbonne (France)

Poland: Closing the Gap Between East and West

Slawomir Nalecz, Polish Academy of Sciences
Ewa Les, Warsaw University (Poland)

The Netherlands: From Welfare Partnership Pioneering to Welfare Partner Paradox

Taco Brandsen, Nijmegen University (The Netherlands)

The Japanese Government’s Effort after 2011 Earthquake Disaster

Maki Kaita, Visiting Fellow, HSE




Government Funding of Nonprofits in the Post-Soviet Era

Moderator: Andrey Klimenko (Tenured Professor, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management, HSE) 

The New Russian Tool Kit for Support of Nonprofits

Vladimir Benevolenski, Lead Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE

Comparative Analysis of Government NGO Support Programs in Russia

Maria Gromova, RF Ministry of Economic Development
Irina Mersianova, Director, Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Nonprofit Sector; Chair of the Sub-Department for NGO Economics and Management, Social Sciences Department, HSE

Technologies of Government-Civil Society Collaboration

Nodari Khananashvili, Director for Government Relations, Charity Foundation “Enlightenment”

Improving Government Contracting Procedures in Kyrgyzstan and the Development of Third Sector

Yulia Shapovalova, Member of the Social Contracting Review Team (Kyrgyzstan)


Coffee Break


 Government Funding of Nonprofits in the Post-Soviet Era (Continued)

Moderator: Yelena Topoleva-Soldunova (Director,the Agency for Social Information;Member of the Russian Federation Public Chamber; Member of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights) человека) 

Operation of Government Nonprofit Support Programs in Russia’s Regions

Irina Krasnopolskaya, Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE

The Competitiveness of Russian NPOs Against For-Profits and Public Providers

Svetlana Suslova, Associate Professor, Economics, Management and Business Informatics Faculty, HSE

Government-NGO Interaction in the Protection of Children’s Rights

Nikolay Slabzhanin, Executive Director, SOS Children’s Villages




Government Regulation and the Supply and Demand for Nonprofit Organizations

Moderator: Alexey Avtonomov (Chief Research Fellow, the Institute for State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences; Deputy Chair of the UN Committee for Elimination of Racial Discrimination) 

Government Regulation Affecting the Demand and Supply for Nonprofits

Lester Salamon, Scientific Director, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE; Director, Center for Civil Society Studies, Johns Hopkins University (USA)
Stefan Topler, Leading Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE; Professor, George Mason University (USA)

Russian Nonprofit Sector: Limits to Normative Regulation

Eena Abrosimova, Chair of the Sub-Department for Commercial Law and  the Basics of Jurisprudence, Law Faculty, Moscow State University

Three Eras of Government Regulation of NPOs in China: Implications for the Supply and Demand for NPOs

Zhang Yanfeng, Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (China)

The Polish Law on Public Benefit and Volunteering

Slawomir Nalecz, Polish Academy of Sciences


Coffee Break


Nonprofits As Policy Actors

Moderator: Mikhail Fedotov (Chair of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights; Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation) 

Nonprofit Advocacy: Confrontation or Collaboration?

Jennifer Mosley, Associate Professor, University of Chicago (USA)

 The Role of Business Associations in the Development of Economic Policy in Russia

Andrey Yakovlev, Director, Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, HSE

NGOs in Rural Areas: Between Authorities and the Public

Irina Skalaban, Associate Professor, the Chair for Social Work and Social Antropology, Novosibirsk State Technical University

Collaboration Between the State and Russian Orthodox Church in the Social Sphere

Roman Lunkin, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences

The Impact of Public Movements on Urban Construction Policies and the Protection of Monuments

Alexandr Zverev, Intern Researcher, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE

Nonprofit Policy Engagement: The View from the Regions

Yulia Skokova, Junior Research Fellow, International Laboratory for Nonprofit Sector Studies, HSE




Cost and Benefits of Tax Relief for Nonprofits and Givers

Moderator: Boris Rudnik (Director of the Institute for Public Resources Management, HSE) 

Do Tax Exemptions for Nonprofit Organizations and Charitable Giving Pay Off: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Joseph Cordes, Professor, George Washington University (USA)

Taxation of Russian NGOs

Pavel Gamolsky, President of the Association “Club of NGO Accountants and Auditors”

The Polish 1% Tax Credit: Does It Work?

Slawomir Nalecz, Polish Academy of Sciences

Taxation of Grants in Russia and Abroad: Comparative Analysis

Tatyana Zakharkova, Lawyer of the Association “Lawyers for Civil Society”


Coffee Break


Putting It All Together: Government-Nonprofit Relations and Nonprofit Sustainability in Russia

Moderator: Lev Jakobson (HSE)


Comments by participants and experts (Yelena Topoleva-Soldunova, Maria Chertok and others)



Closing Thoughts

Alexey Kudrin,Chair of the Civil Initiatives Committee, the Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University

Evgeny Yasin, Academic Supervisor of HSE







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